Welcome to the Virginia Museum of Military Vehicles events pages.
We will keep our friends informed of past events here. We will
also try to show you some of our restoration work in progress.
Just click on the pictures below to go to a category. You can
navigate by using the back arrow on your browser.

Open House 2017    
Open House 2016
Americans in Wartime Museum at WWII Weekend to record veterans experiences.
Open House 2013
Open House 2012
Open House 2011 Open House 2010
Open House 2008, Armor on parade Open House 2006, Celebrates the veterans of Iwo Jima
His Majesty King Abdullah II
King of The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan at the TANK FARM
Veterans Day celebration at Loudoun Country Day School.

Open House 2004, "We Were Soldiers Once, and Young" Vietnam through the eyes of writer Joe Gallowaya

Open House 2003, VMMV salutes the 101st Airborne.

VMMV at the WWII Memorial Dedication.

Open House October 5,2002

Spring 2001 Open House

Fall 2001 Open House

The building that became a ship, the LST Building

Sherman Turret Rebuild

W.W.II MKII Dingo Rebuild

T72 Thermal Images

Hetzer (Swiss G13) Rebuild

VMMV in England

Volunteer Family Day

VMMV salutes the veterans of D-Day at the MBNA 400 at Dover Downs.

ME262 Project

M10 Restoration (NOW COMPLETE)