Veterans and family's from Walter Reed Hospital. It was a privilege to share our program with them.
Presenting the colors, Tim Keuberth sang the National Anthem.
Open house begins with a prayer for our country and troops.
Recognizing veterans of Iwo Jima.
Many veterans were in attendance.
A beautiful day made for a large attendance to salute our veterans.
Allan Cors thanking MG Siegenthaler and the Swiss for the PZ68/88 donated by his country.
The PZ68/88 MBT from the Swiss Army displays the fine design and perfection of the Swiss in this armor.
Congressional Medal of Honor recipient Col. H.C. "Barney" Barnum as the Master of Ceremonies.
Sen. Chuck Robb adressing the visitors to the dedication and honor of our citizen soldiers.
Navy Cross recipient Col. John Ripley Marine Historian relates the tactics and importance of taking Iwo Jima during World War II. The line up of guest speakers for 2006 Open House. Left Allan Cors, Col. Barney Barnum, Col. John Ripley and Sen. Chuck Robb.
Col. Barnum talking with young Marines and parents.
John Wallace (USMC) explaining the uniform of the WWII Marine used on Iwo Jima.
Open House visitors really enjoyed and learned about military arms and equipment.
The Lewis Machine Gun from WWI is demonstrated by Paul Smith.
The vehicle line up and displays representing our military for the last 60 years.
Tim Ketchum shows a 60MM Mortar and .30 Cal. 1919A4 Light Machine Gun.
Richard Isner videographer with Living history volunteers.
WWII Russian Living History soldiers demonstrating how they lived in the field.
The U.S. Marine Corps Historical company falls in to show tactics used on assaulting a Pill Box as it was on Iwo Jima.
Loaded in the LVT4 and ready to jump off.
Down goes the ramp to discharge the Marines.
Getting ready to secure the Pill Box.
Snapshot taken June 3, 2006
fades into a look of battle during WWII.
Final assault using flame thrower.
Using a "War Dog" to sniff out concealed enemy.
Not to forget our unsung contributors, our volunteer help.
Many man hours are put in by our volunteer staff.
Cleaning the gun barrel for blank ammunition.
Moving armor out to be put on display.
OK now it will start, after setting idle it is hard to get moving.
Everything starts using a battery. 24 volts,12 volts, and 6 volts and they are heavy. WHEW !!!!!
Thanks to the Ladies who sort, organize and sell museum articles.
Boy !!! it is a hot one today and lemonade and a sandwich along with a seat really fills the bill.

Photo Credits

James Norell
Bill Vanderpool
Robert Tucker
Lucas Darnell