Thanks to John Sulek for the fine pillbox used in the Marine assault.
Bruce, Richard, Jerry and Jim filling sand bags and add the final touches.
The finished pillbox could be in any combat zone.
Allan and Jim putting the stars and markings on the M3 White Scout Car.
Ventura getting ready to make 10 gallons of tasty chilli for the big day.
Tony, Buz, Larry, and Big Lou making sausage gravy for the over night crews.
The living history displays add a personal touch. The East German Border Guards from the cold war.
Again this year the 904th Civil Air Patrol Squadron worked the parking lots. Their help saved the day.
Several Scout Troops spent the day with us to learn about our veterans, armor and how it was serviced and used.

Our honored speaker Bob Slaughter (with helmet) and Allan Cors President of VMMV

Not only do you get to see all types of vehicles but you also see and hear them run.
The USMC Historical Company demonstrating the WWII squad and weapons.
The assualt on a pill box begins with a simulated mortar attack.
The squad provides covering fire while a flame thrower flanks the pill box.
The finishing blow to the pill box and the end of a fine presentation by the USMC HC
The M3 White Scout Car that finished a detailed restoration makes a first appearance A fast attack vehicle, a great weapons platform and used by special forces.
The close of rewarding day, we hope you enjoyed seeing us as much as we enjoy seeing you.

Photo Credits
Chuck Colgan
Paul Henry
Marc Sehring
Larry Tucker