National Museum of Americans in Wartime


with Virginia Museum of Military Vehicles

Friday, it was time to get vehicles on the field for display. The preparation of vehicles began three weeks before open house. Batteries, fuel check and final run in to make sure all is OK. The EFV is prepared to make a first appearance.

Photo Larry Tucker

The historical groups are setting up their displays. These groups are well versed with the history of their displays. The idea is to acquaint our visitors with the life of soldiers of all countries.

Photo Larry Tucker

The Marine Historical company testing out a flame thrower for the demonstration on Saturday and Sunday.

Photo Larry Tucker


Saturday October 25th it looked like rain and it did. With the rain we still had a nice attendance for open house.

Photo Bruce Oppenhagen

Richard Isner showing the Hetzer to visitors.

Photo Bruce Oppenhagen

Russian T34 complete with Russian infantry.

Photo Bruce Oppenhagen

The weather improved for Sunday, this was our first two day event and we enjoyed a nice turnout for Sunday. The Sherman M4 enjoyed the sunshine with the visitors.

Photo Larry Tucker

Tom Ring's awesome display of American and German Infantry weapons. This and other displays were inside the main hanger.

Photo Larry Tucker

The hanger displays of military equipment were very informing .

Photo Larry Tucker

Historical Marine Corps hanger display.

Photo Larry Tucker

Photo Larry Tucker Photo Larry Tucker

The hit of open house for the younger set was face painting and we sure had some great artist.

Photo Larry Tucker

Result of a real camo artist.

Photo Larry Tucker

An excellent display of North Vietnamese Regular Army equipment FMC's 3rd M113 Armored Personnel Carrier moving across the display field.
A foxhole in Korea was set up by the Korean war Historical Group. A really nice period display. A W.W.II German Kettenrad tracked motorcycle.
The gentleman in front of the M3 Lee drove a Dual Drive Sherman during the D-day landings in Normandy June 6, 1944.
W.W.II Russian T34.
Sherman M4a1
M3 Lee
*DUKW Amphibious truck commonly called a "Duck".
Grant Medium Tank

Another view of the Russian T34
Russian T55
Swiss PZ68/88
British 432 Armored Personnel Carrier
Abbott Self Propelled Howitzer
Prototype EFV
Russian T55
Another view of the T55
A direct hit on a bunker during an assault by the Marine Historical Company.

Photo Credits

Dean Fetterolf
Bruce Oppenhagen
Larry Tucker