Who We Are.
The VMMV is the result of the work and enthusiasm of many people.

It was founded in 1989 by Allan Cors as an outgrowth of a lifelong interest in military history and years of collecting a wide variety of historic artifacts that relate to the subject. In 1982, the acquisition of a WW II jeep initiated the passion for military vehicles. Dodge command cars, weapons carriers, GMC and White trucks followed. In 1984, Allan met fellow collector, Fred Ropkey. Fred's support and guidance were critically important in opening new vistas for this new endeavor. The first tank was acquired in 1985 and the collection of operational military vehicles has grown dramatically since then. Allan's collection is shared with the public under the name, Virginia Museum of Military Vehicles.

The VMMV is located at the "tank farm", a grass airstrip and several adjoining properties located in Prince William County in northern Virginia. Here the vehicles are restored and maintained for the collection. It is also the site of the VMMV's Open House events that have been held since 1991. On these occasions, the vehicles and other historic artifacts are demonstrated to support and enhance the speeches made by the veterans who served their country with this equipment. In addition, there are other special programs that are provided for current members of the armed services, veterans groups, research organizations, youth groups and charitable institutions. The collection is shared, also, with the public at air shows, parades and veteran reunions. See this website for photos from recent events.